Places are limited. Registration will be completed by filling out the form on the right and will be confirmed upon payment of the deposit of €200.00 (see instructions in the second part of the form).
The deposit will be refunded in case of serious health reasons or external factors.
Along with completing the form, the deposit receipt must be attached (using the attach button in the form).
Once the form has been submitted with all required information, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your registration request.
Attached to this email, you will also receive:
Liability waiver form (for minors)
Authorization for the use of images and videos
These forms must be completed and submitted on the first day of the camp along with:
Photocopy of health card
Photocopy of ID
Valid competitive sports certificate
For further information:
Alessio (Cividale) +39 338 1326476
Marzia (Valdagno) +39 338 8563908
Roberto (Treviso) +39 392 8307303